The accidental journey of becoming an entrepreneur: from a travel blogger to EU lobbyist to setting up own digital startup. Open sharing about the disconnect between the worlds of politics and business. Criticism of the European institutions but also ideas for more impactful conversations with the citizens. Here’s the third episode of a series of interviews with Nick Hall, founder and CEO of the Digital Tourism Think Tank, about the entrepreneurial careers in digital tourism.
IN THIS EPISODE, Nick shares:
1. How elitist is the Brussels bubble in blocking the market entry of outsiders?
2. Skills of the future and letting the business flow unfold
3. Reconciling the passion for policy / politics and entrepreneurial creativity
4. Vision of a British citizen for transforming the European leadership
5. Views of a male CEO in a female-dominant company on glass ceiling and diversity in travel industry and tourism boards
6. Examples of a female leader and a business brand to follow as champions of new values
Have you also listened to PREVIOUS INTERVIEWS with Nick on this channel? Check them out now!
1. In the first one, we discussed the impact of COVID-19 crisis on the travel, tourism and hospitality industry (watch here)
2. In the second one we looked at the strategies and mindsets that you need to master if you want to succeed in digital transformation of your tourism business.
Make sure to subscribe to listen to future episodes via YouTube or one of your podcast apps – see the buttons under this post!