Alexandra Ekkelenkamp is the advisor to the director for media and communications of the Council of the EU – one of the main EU institutions. What’s the magic bullet behind the successful communication of Donald Tusk? How does Alexandra manage to bring the latest digital trends into a bureaucracy? What’s left when personal branding strategy meets national political interests and institutional safeguards? Learn how to stay on top of your game in a hyper dynamic environment, how to stay sane when your phone doesn’t stop ringing and how to set the boundaries of taking care of your body and mind before becoming a mindless robot. Get inspired by Alexandra’s time management tips, which allow her to pursue her EU career but also lead mindfulness and yoga classes, sing in a choir and manage women empowerment networks. In this interview led by Lucia Klestincova, you will be amazed by a conversation that combines performance measurement with letting go, top EU politics with authentic humanity, leadership vision with career tips, all the way to advice to those managing their communication projects without big support teams or budgets.